Holly Prentice / Bunbury Herald
Tax experts say there is no reason to worry if you haven’t done your tax return yet, as doing them at least a month after the open date can be more beneficial.
Many people opt to get their taxes done as soon as tax time rolls around, but experts are bucking the trend, telling the Herald it’s better to delay, allowing time for factors that might increase your return to apply.
Financial adviser Bryn Evans from Integro Private Wealth —who visits the South West to provide advice — said it’s best to delay your return, even if you want to get your refund as soon as possible.
“Most people when doing their taxes are in a refund position, so if they lodge early, they get a tax refund as quickly as possible,”
“For most people though, I would say they would want to wait at least a month because of the pre-fill on their own tax portal.Mr Evans