Integro Private Wealth boosts regional WA presence with partnership

Sean Van Der Wielen  /  Bunbury Herald

Western Australian firm Integro Private Wealth has partnered with AMD Chartered Accountants to provide residents in regional Western Australia with greater access to financial advice.

Through the partnership, AMD’s clients will be able to access financial advice across their regional offices in key areas such as Mandurah, Bunbury, Geraldton and Margaret River.

For Integro, this will allow its clients to access accounting services throughout regional Western Australia.

Integro Private Wealth managing partner, Justin Gilmour, said the partnership is designed to broaden access to financial advice throughout regional parts of the state.

“Through this partnership, AMD’s client base of over 3000 people will have better access to advice in their local area, allowing them to seek a more diverse range of global investment opportunities, which are difficult to obtain through a local private practice,”